10 fewer days of ICU Mechanical Ventilation 300,000 IU injection of vitamin D – RCT March 2019

Effect of High-Dose Vitamin D on Duration of Mechanical Ventilation in ICU Patients

Iran J Pharm Res. 2019 Spring;18(2):1067-1072. doi: 10.22037/ijpr.2019.1100647.
Miri M1, Kouchek M1, Rahat Dahmardeh A1, Sistanizad M2,3.


Cost savings with Vitamin D includes the following

158 items include:

Trauma and surgery category starts with the following

Trauma and Surgery category has 355 articles

Large dose Vitamin D before surgery was found to help by 35 studies
Vitamin D is needed before many surgeries – many studies and RCTs
4.8 X more likely to die within 28 days of ICU if low Vitamin D - Jan 2024
Sepsis is both prevented and treated by Vitamin D - many studies
Thyroidectomy and Vitamin D - many studies
Orthopaedic surgeries need Vitamin D – many studies
Cancer - After diagnosis   chemotherapy
TBI OR "Traumatic Brain Injury - 21 in title as of Sept 2022
Superbug (Clostridium difficile) Infections strongly associated with low vitamin D - many studies
Glutamine and Omega-3 have also been proven to help several traumas/surgeries
   Note: Vitamin D also prevents the need for various surgeries and Omega-3 prevents many concussions/TBI
Trauma and Surgery is associated with 22 other VitaminDWiki categories
  Such as loading dose 33, Mortality 23, Infant-Child 21 Intervention 19 Cardiovascular 13, Injection 13 in Sept 2022

Important ICU Considerations - by VitaminDWiki

  1. Start the Vitamin Dosing before the surgery if at all possible
    • Outcomes will be far better
  2. Add vitamin D if < 30 ng, not just < 12 ng
    • Surgery/trauma reduces the vitamin D levels in a few days
  3. Use a gut-compatible form of vitamin D if there is a chance that the patient has poor gut (~30% of patients)
  4. Allocate some of the Vitamin D loading dose to very fast response type - inside the cheek or under the tongue
    • raises vitamin D levels in ~3 hours instead of 12 hours
  5. Obese need larger doses to get to the same blood level
  6. Test vitamin D levels about a week after surgery/ICU - and replenish if < 30 ng
  7. Many studies have found that Omega-3 helps as well
  8. Avoid use of injection (too slow) and Vitamin D2 - poor response
  9. Consider adding something to increase amount of vitamin D which acutally gets to tissue
    • Resveratrol, etc increase the activation of the Vitamin D Receptor

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Note - injections take several days to give a response.
Other methods, such as sublingual, are much faster and lower cost

The relationship of vitamin D3 with the duration of mechanical ventilation and mortality is still unknown. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effect of using high-dose vitamin D on the duration of mechanical ventilation among the patients admitted to the intensive care unit. The current double-blinded clinical trial was performed on 44 mechanically ventilated, adult patients. Using permuted block randomization, the patients were recruited in intervention and placebo arms. In the placebo group, four patients were excluded due to death before 72 h. The vitamin D level was measured in both groups on entrance and 7th day of the study. The intervention and placebo groups received intramuscular injection of 300,000 IU vitamin D and identical placebo, respectively. SOFA and CPIS score were evaluated daily for 7 days and on 14th and 28th days of the study. Also duration of mechanical ventilation and mortality rate were recorded. Fourteen males and 8 females were recruited in the intervention group, as well as 13 males and 5 females in the control group. There was no significant difference in baseline characteristics of the patients including gender and age. The mean duration of the mechanical ventilation was 17.63 ± 14 days in the intervention group versus 27.72 ± 22.48 days in the control group (p = 0.06).

Mortality rate in control and intervention groups was 61.1% versus 36.3% (p = 0.00), respectively. Administration of high-dose vitamin D could reduce mortality in mechanically ventilated patients. Despite decrease of 10 days in duration of mechanical ventilation, the difference was not statistically significant. Larger studies are recommended.

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