Vitamin D: Everything You Need to Know
Skeletal and Non-Skeletal Effects of Vitamin D
372 pages $30 hard cover
For health care workers and others.
The following was extracted from book synopsis at the bottom of this page
Sunil J. Wimalawansa, MD, PhD, MBA, DSc - University Professor -Professor of Medicine Endocrinology, Metabolism & Nutrition Professor of Physiology & Integrative Biology
Copyright of previous version: © 2011
Table of Contents
About the Author
Sunil Wimalawansa is a University Professor, Professor of Medicine, Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Nutrition, and former Chief of Endocrinology at the University of Medicine and Dentistry, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Jersey, USA.1 He is also a Professor of Physiology and Integrative Biology at the University of Medicine and Dentistry, Graduate School Biomedical Sciences. He holds an Executive Master's of Business Administration Degree from the Rutgers University School of Business and a Diploma in Medical Administration from Johns Hopkins School of Business.
He had his education at Ananda College, Colombo and postgraduate studies at the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka, Royal Postgraduate Medical School in United Kingdom, Rutgers and Johns Hopkins Universities in the United States. He is a member or a board director of several committees of national and international scientific societies. He is the founder-president of few charitable organizations, including the International Foundation for Revitalization, Empowerment, Education, and Development; Hela Empowerment Foundation-International; International Foundation for Chronic Disabilities; and the chairperson of the Education Trust Fund for Needy Children, and the Wimalawansa Charitable Foundation.
His original contributions to science and medicine include current worldwide practiced standard of care in some medical methods. He holds 6 medical patents, and has given more than 170 invited presentations at national and international scientific and medical meetings. He has published over 130 peer-reviewed scientific articles, 4 books, and 45 scientific book chapters; and has made 260 scientific presentations worldwide.
Dr. Wimalawasna is the recipient of many awards inlcuding Dr. Oscar Gluck International Humanitarian award in 2007 and the prestigious Lifetime Achivement Award in 2005 from the Sri Lankan Foundation for his worldwide contributions to science, philanthrophic work, and humanity. Other awards he received include an International Award for Clinical Excellence in Metabolic Bone Diseases in 1991, multiple young-investigator scientific awards and American Endocrine Society Glen Foundation Awards. He is also the recipient of The Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) degree in 2001. M.D., Ph.D., M.B.A., FRCPath., CCD, CRCP, MACDS, MRCS, FACP, FACE, FCCP, FRCP, DSc
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