

Quickly find chart/image with Google

Then you must select IMAGES

  You can also filter the results by DATE - for example: last month, last year
for Search - help

Title Search (better than Google)

shows popularity, category, as well as very recent items
  You can search for one or more character strings - which do not have to be complete words
Finds titles which contain STRING1 OR STRING2
Note: Search hair (also also finds chair)

Title search for word in 1 or 2 categories

Category Search
enter Category A, optionally Category B, then text

Title Search - Google

Finds titles which contain: WORD1 AND WORD2

How to search without English

Translate Search
Allows you to type query in in your language, behind the scenes it

  1. Translates your query into English,
  2. Does the search,
  3. Then translates the results of the search for you

You can

  • Search all of VitaminDWiki
  • Search just the text within a category - example,
    • click on Pregnancy Category in the Health Problems column - on the left side of large screens

Use cntrl+f to search for text on any page

Tips on searching with Google

AND, OR, phrases, exclude word, must have the word, number range, not permit synonyms, etc
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