What % of people dislike swallowing pills and why – Asked Perplexity AI Aug 2024
According to the search results, a significant percentage of people dislike or have difficulty swallowing pills:
- A nationwide survey found that 40% of American adults have experienced difficulty swallowing pills,
even though they do not have issues swallowing food or liquids. - One in three people (33%) will vomit, choke, or gag when swallowing pills.
- Research shows that 30% of people dislike or have trouble swallowing pills.
There are several reasons why people may dislike or have difficulty swallowing pills:
Physical Causes
- A hypersensitive gag reflex (also known as a laryngeal spasm)
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) - acid backing up into the esophagus may cause damage leading to spasms or narrowing
- Scleroderma - scar-like tissue buildup that can weaken the lower esophageal ring
- Radiation therapy - head and neck cancer treatment can cause swallowing disorders even years later
- Dry mouth
- Temporary conditions like taking antibiotics or undergoing chemotherapy
Psychological Causes
- Emotional or anxiety issues, often stemming from a past negative experience
- Aversion to the taste of pills, as many have an unpleasant coating
- Fear of choking
Other Factors
- Pill characteristics like size, shape, color and texture can impact swallowability
- There appears to be an association between younger age, female gender, poor mental health status and pill aversion
In summary, around 30-40% of people report disliking or having trouble swallowing pills due to a variety of physical, psychological and pill-related factors. This is a significant issue that can impact medication adherence and health outcomes if not properly addressed.
See also VitaminDWiki
- Alternatives if not swallow pills or not absorb vitamin D
- How to get Vitamin D and cofactors without taking pills
- Pill swallowing problems by 40 percent of Americans - not a problem with vitamin D
- Topical Vitamin D provides more benefits than oral sometimes - many studies
- How to safely get Vitamin D at home from a UV lamp or LED
Some forms on Amazon: Cream, Liquid, Spray
Two simple ways to swallow pills
Vitamin D capsule (can pour out the powder onto food or beverage)