
Abu Dhabi 2012 - Hollis

Presented at International Symposium on Vitamin D Deficiency - Abu Dhabi March 2012


Prof. Bruce Hollis

Qualifications: Ph.D.
Position: Director of Pediatric Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina, USA

Vitamin D Supplementation during Pregnancy and Its Effect on Pregnancy Outcomes

The function and requirement of vitamin D during pregnancy for both mother and fetus has remained a mystery.
This fact was highlighted by The Cochrane Review in 1999 that reported a lack of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with respect to vitamin D requirements during pregnancy.
Unfortunately, during the past decade only a single RCT has been performed with respect to vitamin D requirements during pregnancy.
In this review we will discuss vitamin D metabolism during pregnancy as well as the consequences of vitamin D deficiency on skeletal, non-skeletal and birth outcomes using birth observational data and data from our recent RCT.
New RCT data strongly support previous observational studies in that improving nutritional vitamin D status will improve birth outcomes.
The new RCT data indicates that 4,000 IU/d vitamin D3 during pregnancy will "normalize" vitamin D Metabolism and improve birth outcomes including primary cesarean section and co-morbidities of pregnancy with no Risk of side effects.

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See also VitaminDWiki

see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=2563

Cumulative Benefit Blood level and notes Co-factors
(see list)
Calcium $*/year
400 + less infant rickets
+ 3X less adolescent Schizophrenia
+ fewer child seizures
<30 ng/ml Not needed No effect $3
2000 + More likely to get pregnant naturally or via IVF
+ fewer dental problems with pregnancy
+ 8X less diabetes
+ 4X fewer C-sections (>37 ng)
+ 4X less preeclampsia (40 ng vs 10 ng)
+ 5X less child asthma
+ 2X less language problems age 10
42 ng/ml Desirable < 750 mg $12
4000 + 2X fewer pregnancy complications
+ 2X fewer per-term births
49 ng/ml
Test Vitamin D
Must have < 750 mg $175
6000 + probable larger benefits for items listed above
+ Enough D for breastfed infant
+ Perhaps prevent 2nd autistic child
Test Vitamin D
clinical trials underway
Must have < 750 mg $200
Abu Dhabi 2012 - Hollis        
7914 visitors, last modified 10 Apr, 2012,
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1227 Hollis deficiency.jpg admin 08 Apr, 2012 20.00 Kb 1940
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1225 Hollis.jpg admin 08 Apr, 2012 3.58 Kb 1912