- Earthing overview
- Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth's Surface Electrons
- Earthing review with useful chart - May 2020
- What were the main findings of the double-blind earthing studies? - Asked Perplexity AI Sept 2024
- Illnesses in technologically advanced societies due to lack of grounding (earthing) - Feb 2024
- How does grounding the human body affect zeta potential Perplexity AI Oct 2024
- Reduced blood viscosity improves health in at least 9 ways
- How does earthing affect blood viscosity in people with diabetes (asked Perplexity AI Oct 2024
- 6X fewer days of Acute Respiratory Infection in earthed preemies – April 2022
- Success by founder of VitaminDWiki so far - just using a 2" square adhesive grounding patch - Oct 2024
- Earthing movie 75 minutes 2020
- Grounding discussion 49 minutes - May 2022
- 49 Earthing studies at Earthing Institute
- Grounding – The universal anti-inflammatory remedy - Feb 2023
- Earthing described in 30 Questions - by Unbekoming Sept 2023
- Earthing for High Blood Pressure
- Previously in VitaminDWiki - Off topic: Earthing to improve health (bare skin grounded to the earth)
- There have been
1620 visits to this page
Earthing overview
- First observed by Ober in 1998, 5+ publications annually since 2018
- Proven by randomized controlled trials (with sham grounding)
- Treats many health problems - e.g. Chronic inflammation, Sleep disturbances,
Chronic inflammation, Cardiovascular disease, Stress and anxiety,
muscle damage and delayed-onset soreness, Immune system dysfunction,
chronic fatigue, thyroid problems, wounds and injuries, chronic pain, ... - Low cost: From $0 to $150
- Little time: as little as 30 minutes a day - while in a recliner chair while reading or surfing,
or walking on lawn or forest
or sleeping
or at the office with a wrist/ankle strap or with bare feet on a grounding pad - Quick: Most feel the improvement in 1 to 30 days
- No known risk
Assumptions - by the founder of VitaminDWiki Sept - 2024
- Earthing ground spike outside of the house is not needed - can just use AC outlet ground
- Grounding any portion of the body affects the entire body PDF
Perhaps grounding a foot works best (that is how humans used to get grounded) - Can use conductive blanket, pad, patch; or wear moccasins, earthing sandals, or go barefoot,
on: grass, forest, old concrete, wet sand, running water
Speculations - by the founder of VitaminDWiki Sept - 2024
- Earthing might be synergistic with anti-Inflammation properties of Vitamin D, Omega-3, etc.
- Some people find grounding too much initially, and start with 10 minutes instead of 30
Perhaps having a resistor in the ground lead would reduce it - I am using a 10,000 ohm resistor - Suspect that the benefits of a month's worth of grounding would persist for weeks or months
Update Dec 2024 - member of my family are using it
- I am hooked. Earthing is great.
I use a 2" adhesive earthing pad on my back, ball of my foot, or leg most days for an hour
I use a earthing pad in bed every night, and do not wake up as often during the night Amazon $28
My wife had used earthing pads above and below her knee replacement wound - it appeared to heal much faster than typical
My wife is now using an earthing pad in bed to improve her sleep
Our son using using the same earthing pad while working at the computer - no perceived benefit
Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth's Surface Electrons
J Environ Public Health. Jan 2012. doi: 10.1155/2012/291541
Gaétan Chevalier, 1, 2 , * Stephen T. Sinatra, 3 James L. Oschman, 4 Karol Sokal, 5 and Pawel Sokal 6
"In a blinded pilot study, Ober recruited 60 subjects (22 males and 28 females) who suffered from self-described sleep disturbances and chronic muscle and joint pain for at least six months [10]. Subjects were randomly divided for the month-long study in which both groups slept on conductive carbon fiber mattress pads provided by Ober. Half the pads were connected to a dedicated Earth ground outside each subject's bedroom window, while the other half were “sham” grounded—not connected to the Earth. "
"Some subjects reported significant relief from asthmatic and respiratory conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, PMS, sleep apnea, and hypertension while sleeping grounded. "
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Grounding started on day 1
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Environmental medicine generally addresses environmental factors with a negative impact on human health. However, emerging scientific research has revealed a surprisingly positive and overlooked environmental factor on health: direct physical contact with the vast supply of electrons on the surface of the Earth. Modern lifestyle separates humans from such contact. The research suggests that this disconnect may be a major contributor to physiological dysfunction and unwellness. Reconnection with the Earth's electrons has been found to promote intriguing physiological changes and subjective reports of well-being. Earthing (or grounding) refers to the discovery of benefits—including better sleep and reduced pain—from walking barefoot outside or sitting, working, or sleeping indoors connected to conductive systems that transfer the Earth's electrons from the ground into the body. This paper reviews the earthing research and the potential of earthing as a simple and easily accessed global modality of significant clinical importance.
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Earthing review with useful chart - May 2020
Integrative and lifestyle medicine strategies should include Earthing (grounding): Review of research evidence and clinical observations
EXPLORE Volume 16, Issue 3 , May–June 2020, Pages 152-160 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.explore.2019.10.005
Wendy Menigoz a, Tracy T. Latz b, Robin A. Ely c, Cimone Kamei d, Gregory Melvin e, Drew Sinatra f
Highlights- Earthing (grounding) connects people to the Earth's natural healing energy.
- Reduces inflammation, pain, and stress; improves blood flow, sleep, and vitality.
- Earthing is a simple, profound lifestyle addition, requiring no effort or dieting.
- Earthing is a GROSSLY overlooked factor in health and healing.
- Earthing should be recommended by health professionals to patients.
Earthing (also known as grounding) refers to the discovery that bodily contact with the Earth's natural electric charge stabilizes the physiology at the deepest levels, reduces inflammation, pain, and stress, improves blood flow, energy, and sleep, and generates greater well-being. Such effects are profound, systemic, and foundational, and often develop rapidly. Earthing is as simple as routinely walking barefoot outdoors and/or using inexpensive grounding systems indoors while sleeping or sitting, practices that restore a lost and needed electric connection with the Earth. Some 20 studies to date have reported intriguing evidence of wide and significant physiological improvements when the body is grounded vs. non-grounded. The research, along with numerous anecdotal reports, demonstrates that Earthing clearly deserves inclusion in the clinical practice of preventive, alternative, and lifestyle medicine and has great potential to render these approaches more effective.
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What were the main findings of the double-blind earthing studies? - Asked Perplexity AI Sept 2024
According to the search results, several double-blind studies have found significant effects of earthing (grounding) compared to sham grounding:
- One double-blind study found that during 40 minutes of grounding, subjects' respiratory rate, respiratory rate variance, blood oxygenation variance, and heart rate were significantly different compared to sham grounding control sessions.
- Another double-blind study found that compared to sham grounding control sessions, one hour of grounding while relaxing in a recliner chair resulted in significant improvements in pleasant and positive moods, even though participants didn't know when they were receiving real grounding.
- In a blinded experiment, grounding prevented a rise in creatine kinase, a marker of muscle damage, in the days following eccentric exercises, compared to sham grounding.
- A double-blind study measured various physiological parameters while subjects were grounded for two hours. Compared to sham grounding control sessions, real grounding resulted in:
- An immediate decrease in skin conductance and an increase after ungrounding, while no change occurred in sham sessions
- Increased respiratory rate and variance during and after grounding
- Decreased blood oxygenation variability during grounding followed by an increase after ungrounding
- Increased pulse rate and perfusion index variability toward the end of grounding that persisted after ungrounding
- A double-blind study found grounding for one hour, compared to sham grounding, significantly improved regulation of facial blood flow.
So in summary, well-controlled double-blind studies have found earthing, compared to sham earthing, can produce measurable differences in skin conductance, respiratory rate, blood oxygenation, pulse rate, muscle damage, mood, and facial blood flow regulation. The blinded nature of these studies helps rule out placebo effects.
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Based on the search results, the key references for the main findings from double-blind earthing studies are:- Chevalier G, Sinatra ST, Oschman JL, Sokal K, Sokal P. Earthing: Health implications of reconnecting the human body to the Earth's surface electrons. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 2012;2012:291541. doi:10.1155/2012/291541
- This study found that during 40 minutes of grounding, subjects' respiratory rate, respiratory rate variance, blood oxygenation variance, and heart rate were significantly different compared to sham grounding control sessions.
- Ghaly M, Teplitz D. The biologic effects of grounding the human body during sleep as measured by cortisol levels and subjective reporting of sleep, pain, and stress. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2004;10(5):767-776. doi:10.1089/acm.2004.10.767
- This double-blind study found that compared to sham grounding control sessions, one hour of grounding while relaxing in a recliner chair resulted in significant improvements in pleasant and positive moods, even though participants didn't know when they were receiving real grounding.
- Brown R, Chevalier G, Hill M. Grounding after moderate eccentric contractions reduces muscle damage. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine. 2015;6:305-317. doi:10.2147/OAJSM.S87970
- In this blinded experiment, grounding prevented a rise in creatine kinase, a marker of muscle damage, in the days following eccentric exercises, compared to sham grounding.
- Sokal K, Sokal P. Earthing the human body influences physiologic processes. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2011;17(4):301-308. doi:10.1089/acm.2010.0687
- This double-blind study found grounding, compared to sham grounding, significantly altered levels of thyroid hormones, blood electrolytes, and fasting glucose in diabetic patients.
So in summary, these four double-blind, placebo-controlled studies provide the strongest evidence that the physiological effects of grounding are real and not just due to placebo effects. However, the review articles note that larger studies by independent research groups are still needed to verify and expand on these preliminary findings.
Illnesses in technologically advanced societies due to lack of grounding (earthing) - Feb 2024
Biomedical Journal Volume 46, Issue 1 , February 2023, Pages 17-29 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bj.2022.10.004
James L. Oschman (Author of Earthing Movie)
The research on grounding or earthing summarized here provides valuable clues about why chronic and autoimmune diseases are rampant, simple and reliable help for those with these health issues, and promising paths forward. During the period when this research was getting started, approximately 2000 to the present, scientists from around the world were establishing connections between inflammation and virtually all chronic diseases (Table 1) using the c-reactive protein assay developed by Ridker and his colleagues at Harvard Medical School. This article reviews Earthing, a safe therapy that optimizes (balances) each person's unique physiological functions; and that provides relief from the major diseases of the aging population; and that may slow the aging process itself. This statement is made because of the recognition that cumulative damage by reactive oxygen species (ROS), sometimes referred to as free radicals, is one of the most widely studied theories of the cause of aging. Because the continuous semiconducting fabric of the body reaches into every part of the body, including the interiors of all cells and their nuclei, mobile electrons in the grounded or earthed person are thought to be capable of rapidly neutralizing ROS produced by oxidative metabolism taking place in every cell and tissue.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki17 improvements from Earthing
- Improved sleep [30]. According to the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Sleep Association, 50-70 million US adults have difficulty sleeping, and drowsy driving is responsible for 1550 fatalities and 40,000 nonfatal injuries annually in the United States [41]. And the nighttime rhythm of cortisol, the “stress hormone” normalizes. One doctor who has been recommending Earthing to his patients for 10 years said this: “The first feedback I usually hear from a patient who just started earthing is, ‘best sleep I've had in years.’”
- Pain reduction from virtually all causes [42-44].
- Reduced acute or chronic inflammation [45].
- Relaxation [46]. The autonomic nervous system shifts from sympathetic activation to parasympathetic.
- Accelerated healing of injuries [42-44].
- Increased heart rate variability, a measure of the health of the cardiovascular system [45].
- Reduced blood viscosity [47]. Extensive research has shown that virtually all of the cardiovascular diseases, the number one killer worldwide, are related to elevated blood viscosity. Some cardiologists view blood viscosity as the key to longevity.
- Lowered blood viscosity improves blood flow [44] to nourish your entire body with vital oxygen and nutrition and facilitate elimination of metabolic wastes.
- Improves vitality. Subjects in the studies measurably looked and felt better [48,49].
- Reduces hormonal and menstrual symptoms.
- Reduces muscle tension and headaches.
- Accelerates healing from trauma, injuries, and sports/exercise activity [42,43].
- Protects the body against possibly health-disturbing electromagnetic fields (EMFs) [27,50]. AC body voltage was reduced by an average of 58-fold when participants were grounded compared with when they were not grounded. Normal levels of electromagnetic fields existing in a home or office are too low to produce harmful currents in a grounded person [50].
- Improves blood pressure in hypertensive patients [51].
- Premature babies. Earthing is safe and beneficial for premature infants by improving the resilience of fragile premature babies in incubators surrounded by electromagnetic fields from life-support systems [52].
- Alzheimer's Disease. From Taiwan: Grounding can improve sleep quality among patients with mild Alzheimer's Disease [53].
- Protecting therapists. Hands-on therapists of all kinds can benefit from having their patient grounded [54-57].
How does grounding the human body affect zeta potential Perplexity AI Oct 2024
Based on the research results, grounding (or earthing) the human body appears to have a significant positive effect on the zeta potential of red blood cells:
- Increased zeta potential: Grounding increased the zeta potential of red blood cells in all subjects studied, by an average factor of 2.70 (almost tripling the zeta potential) 1 3 4
- Reduced blood viscosity: The increase in zeta potential resulted in decreased aggregation (clumping) of red blood cells, which reduces blood viscosity 1 3 4
- Rapid effects: These changes were observed after just 2 hours of grounding 1 3 4
- Potential health benefits: The increased zeta potential and reduced blood viscosity may help reduce cardiovascular risk factors and improve blood flow 2 3
- Mechanism: Grounding appears to transfer electrons from the Earth to the body, increasing the negative surface charge on red blood cells 2 5
- Exercise effects: Grounding during mild exercise (yoga) was found to reduce exercise-induced increases in blood viscosity 6
- Pain reduction: Subjects with pain showed slightly greater improvements in zeta potential compared to those without pain 3
The researchers concluded that grounding the human body is a simple yet potentially profound intervention for improving cardiovascular health by increasing zeta potential and reducing blood viscosity 3 4
However, it's important to note that while these results are promising, more research is needed to fully understand the long-term effects and potential applications of grounding for health purposes.
Reduced blood viscosity improves health in at least 9 ways
- Improved circulation:
- Reduced cardiovascular risk:
- Decreased blood pressure:
- Enhanced oxygen delivery:
- Reduced inflammation:
- Improved microcirculation:
- Better temperature regulation:
- Potential cognitive benefits:
- Reduced risk of blood clots:
How does earthing affect blood viscosity in people with diabetes (asked Perplexity AI Oct 2024
6X fewer days of Acute Respiratory Infection in earthed preemies – April 2022
Earthing Method Reducing the Length of Acute Respiratory Infection Among Preterm Infants
JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE AND PREVENTION DOI: http://doi.org/10.29080/ihsp.v6i1.650
Estiningtyas1*, Anindhita Yudha Cahyaningtyas1, Muhammad Akhsin Muflikhun2
1) Bachelor Nursing Program, Mitra Husada Health College, Karanganyar, Indonesia
2) Departement of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
bidanesti at gmail.comPreterm infants have compromised immune systems where the maturity of the organs and body system is not optimum. The compromised immune system makes premature infants susceptible to micro-bacterial infections. Acute respiratory infection is the most common infection among them. This study aimed to investigate the significant difference in the length of acute respiratory infection before and after Earthing therapy. This research is a quasi-experimental study. The location is Sukoharjo District, Indonesia, from March to August 2021. The population in this study is preterm infants whose data is obtained from monthly reports on Central Java Statistic Agency. The number of samples of preterm infants was 192 infants. The sample size was 20 infants. Earthing duration is 1 hour every day for 30 days. The statistical analysis results in a P-value of 0,000 and t- count 8.065>t table 2.093, indicating a significant difference in the length of Acute Respiratory Infections among preterm infants before and after Earthing therapy. It is recommended that mothers of preterm infants continue to utilize Earthing devices longer to increase the immune system and prevent acute respiratory infection. Furthermore, using Earthing therapy is beneficial for improving the general immune system in preventing or accelerating the healing process of microbial infection with Earthing devices or straight to the ground.
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"In this study, the control process was done for 30 days without Earthing. The presence of acute
respiratory infection was monitored by examining the presence of congestion in the nasal sinuses and
cough. Before Earthing therapy, 17 out of 20 infants had an acute respiratory infection (ARI) with a
minimum duration was three days and a maximum of 10 days. They were given suspension to treat ARI
obtained from the midwives. After the experiment of Earthing therapy, this number was reduced to 12
infants with ARI. Infants were not given medication during Earthing therapy.
The mean value before Earthing therapy was five days, while it was reduced to 0,75 days after therapy.
The statistical tool used was paired sample t-test with the result was P-value of 0,000 and t-count 8.065>t-table 2.093. It can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the duration of incidence of ARI among preterm infants before and after Earthing therapy"
Success by founder of VitaminDWiki so far - just using a 2" square adhesive grounding patch - Oct 2024
Perhaps just need a grounding wrist strap - many are available on Amazon for $16
instead of 2X to 10X more for a bed pad, which requires sleeping with some skin touching the padI just wired the patch to the AC outlet ground via 10K ohm resistor.
Very similar to what I did in the 1980s as an Electrical Engineer to eliminate static electricity
to stop static sparks from damaging CMOS integrated circuits
Earthing movie 75 minutes 2020
Grounding discussion 49 minutes - May 2022
00:00 What is the science behind grounding, and how do I explain it to loved ones who perceive it as metaphysical woo-woo?
08:56 How can grounding relieve much of our discomfort?
13:05 What are the most significant benefits of grounding, and what individuals would realize the most benefit from it?
16:36 What grounding tips do you have for individuals that use wheelchairs?
20:20 How did Clint come to recognize the personal benefits of grounding?
23:53 What are the best methods for grounding?
29:34 What is your perception regarding inflammation?
33:02 If grounding is so healthy, why does the professional medical community largely ignore it?
 Transcript PDF
49 Earthing studies at Earthing Institute
Hyperlinks are avariable at https://earthinginstitute.net/research/
Grounding – The universal anti-inflammatory remedy - Feb 2023
Biomedical Journal Volume 46, Issue 1 , February 2023, Pages 11-16 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bj.2022.12.002
Stephen T. Sinatra a 1, Drew S. Sinatra b, Stephen W. Sinatra Step c, Gaetan Chevalier dGrounding or earthing could be the anti-inflammatory antidote for modern man. It is one of the greatest kept secrets when it comes to our health and aliveness and only a small part of the scientific community really understands the concept. Once health professionals and others realize that grounding is especially important in preventing inflammatory illness, an incredible effect on public health will be realized. The breath of validation from previous published data and real-life testimonials is a testimony of the earth's dramatic impact on healing the human body.
Health information is constantly changing as a result of new research in various approaches to treating a multitude of inflammatory conditions. Sometimes, even with the most relevant published data, it is difficult to choose which advice is most conducive for healing. For example, it has been noted that perhaps one-third of the medical literature could be fraudulent.. Understanding absolute versus relative risk can also be confusing even for health professionals. And when data is reported in relative risk, only a fraction of the real science is revealed. However, one small established fact that conveys universal agreement is the simple correlation that inflammation is the root cause of almost all diseases!
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki37 References
- The free dictionary. Inflammation, https://medical- dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/inflammation/;2022 accessed 1 August 2022.
- Oschman JL. Perspective: assume a spherical cow: the role of free or mobile electrons in bodywork, energetic and movement therapies. J Bodyw Mov Ther 2008;12(1):40—57.
- Menigoz W, Latz TT, Ely RA, Kamei C, Melving G. Integrative and lifestyle medicine strategies should include Earthin (grounding): review of research evidence and clinical observations. Explore (NY) 2019;16(3):1-9.
- Sinatra ST, Chevalier G, Sinatra D. Vitamin G. Grounding as energetic nutrition and its role in oxidative defense and cardiovascular disease. In: Sinatra ST, Houston MC, editors. Nutritional and integrative Strategies in cardiovascular medicine. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2022. p. 359-68.
- Sinatra ST, Oschman JL, Chevalier G, Sinatra D. Electric nutrition: the surprising health and healing benefits of biological grounding (earthing). Altern Ther 2017;23(5):8-16.
- Cherry N. Schumann Resonances, a plausible biophysical mechanism for the human health effects of Solar/Geomagnetic Activity. Nat Hazards 2002;26:279-331.
- Williams ER. The global electrical circuit: a review. Atmos Res 2009;2:140-52.
- Chevalier G, Sinatra ST, Oschman JL, Sokal K, Sokal P. Earthing: health implications of reconnecting the human body to the earth’s surface electrons. J ENviron Public Health 2012;8:291541.
- Chevalier G, Sinatra ST, Oschman JL, Delany RM. Earthing (grounding) the human body reduces blood viscosity - a major factor in cardiovascular disease. Altern and Complemen Med 2013;19(2):102-10.
- Brown R, Chevalier G. Grounding the human body during yoga exercise with a grounded yoga mat reduces blood viscosity. Open Prev Med 2015;5:159-68.
- Ober C, Oschman JL. Prevention and/or recovery from corona virus infections. Int J Endocrinol Metabol 2020;6:22-4.
- Mousa HA. Prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infection by earthing. Biomed J 2023;46(1):60-9.
- World Health Organization. Noncommunicable diseases, https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/ noncommunicable-diseases/;2021 accessed 12 July 2022.
- Ray D, Yung R. Immune senescence, epigenetics and autoimmunity. J Clin Immunol 2018;196:59-63.
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- Earthing ToxTest. Effects in female lewis rats, https:// earthinginstitute.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Earthing- effects-in-Lewis-Rats-2010.pdf/;2022 accessed 13 July 2022.
- Sokal K, Sokal P. Earthing the human body influences physiologic processes. J Alternative Compl Med 2011;17(4):301-8.
- Elkin HK, Winter A. Grounding patients with hypertension improves blood pressure: a case history series study. Altern Ther 2018;24(6):46-50.
- Chevalier G, Melvin G, Barsotti T. One-hour contact with the earth's surface (grounding) improves inflammation and blood flow - a randomized, doubled-blind, pilot study. 37 Health 2015;7:1022-59.
- Brown D, Chevalier G, Hill M. Pilot study on the effect of grounding on delayed-onset muscle soreness. J Alternative Compl Med 2010;16(3):265-73.
- Chevalier G, Patel S, Weiss L, Chopra D, Mills PL. The effects of grounding (earthing) on bodyworkers’ pain and overall quality of life: a randomized controlled trial. Explore 2019;15(3):181-90.
- Ghaly M, Teplitz D. The biologic effects of grounding the human body during sleep as measured by cortisol levels and subjective reporting of sleep, pain, and stress. J Alternative Compl Med 2004;10(5):767-76.
- Brown R, Chevalier G, Hill M. Grounding after moderate eccentric contractions reduces muscle damage. Open Access J Sports Med 2015;6:305-17.
- Amalu W. Medical thermography - case studies, https:// earthinginstitute.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ thermographycasehistories2004.pdf/;2022 accessed 12 July 2022.
- Chevalier G. Grounding the human body improves facial blood flow regulation: results of a randomized, Placebo controlled pilot study. J Cosmet Dermatol 2014;4:293-308.
- Chevalier G, Sinatra ST. Emotional stress, heart rate variability, grounding, and improved autonomic tone: clinical applications. Integr Med 2011;10:16-21.
- Passi R, Doheny KK, Gordin Y, Hinssen H, Palmer C. Electrical grounding improves vagal tone in preterm infants. Neonatology 2017;112(2):187-92.
- Adak S, Chowdhury S, Bhattacharyya M. Dynamic and electrokinetic behavior of erythrocyte membrane in diabetes mellitus and diabetic cardiovascular disease. Biochim Biophys Acta 2008;1780(2):108-15.
- Chevalier G. Changes in pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood oxygenation, perfusion index, sking conductanc, and their variability induced during and after grounding human subjects for 40 minutes. J Alternative Compl Med 2010;16(1):81-7.
- Chevalier G. The effect of grounding the human body on mood. Psychol Rep 2015;116(2):534-42.
- Chevalier G, Patel S, Weiss L, Pruitt C, Brook H, Chopra D, et al. Effects of grounding (earthing) on massage therapists: an exploratory study. Health 2018;10:228-50.
- Chevalier G, Mori K, Oschman JL. The effect of earthing (grounding) on human physiology. Eur Biol Bioelectromagn 2006 Jan:600-21.
- Chevalier G. The effects of grounding on meditation quality: a preliminary report, https://earthinginstitute.net/the- effects-of-grounding-on-meditation-quality-a-preliminary- study-report/;2022 accessed 13 July 2022.
- Sokal P, Jastrzebski Z, Jaskulska E, Sokal K, Jastrzebska M, Radziminski L, et al. Differences in blood urea and creatinine concentrations in earthed and unearthed subjects during cycling exercise and recovery. Evid base Compl Alternative Med 2013;6:382643.
- Earthing Institute. Earthing speeds sports/training recovery, Lessens Muscle Damage and Inflammation, https:// earthinginstitute.net/earthing-speeds-sports-training- recovery-lessens-muscle-damage-and-inflammation/;2022 accessed 14 July 2022.
- Oschman JL. Charge transfer in the living matrix. J Bodyw Mov Ther 2009;13(3):215-28.
Earthing described in 30 Questions - by Unbekoming Sept 2023
Substack in both text and audio (27 minutes), no charts
Question 10: How does Earthing influence the electrical activity of the brain and muscles, as demonstrated by EEG and EMG measurements?
Earthing has been shown to influence the electrical activity of the brain and muscles, as measured by electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG). Grounded subjects exhibited reduced overall brain activity, with a pronounced change in the left hemisphere, associated with thinking. In muscles, Earthing led to a normalization of tension and the appearance of slow, rhythmic oscillations, suggesting more efficient and coordinated muscle function.
Earthing for High Blood Pressure
Previously in VitaminDWiki - Off topic: Earthing to improve health (bare skin grounded to the earth)
There have been
1620 visits to this page
Earthing proven by RCTs to work - improves sleep, reduces blood viscosity, etc.988 visitors, last modified 14 Jan, 2025, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 22147 Earthing sheet.webp admin 04 Jan, 2025 43.51 Kb 67 21774 Earthing pad placement_CompressPdf.pdf admin 19 Sep, 2024 41.06 Kb 36 21744 30 night clipped table.webp admin 11 Sep, 2024 12.29 Kb 231 21743 Grounding transcript.pdf admin 11 Sep, 2024 278.15 Kb 40 21736 Earthing benefits.webp admin 10 Sep, 2024 59.64 Kb 212 21735 Earthing review 2020_CompressPdf.pdf admin 10 Sep, 2024 568.19 Kb 44 21734 Grounding anti-inflammatory_CompressPdf.pdf admin 10 Sep, 2024 159.09 Kb 48 21733 Earthing Institute.webp admin 10 Sep, 2024 214.38 Kb 313 21732 Illnesses if not earthed_CompressPdf.pdf admin 10 Sep, 2024 405.55 Kb 40 21731 Earthing Devices.webp admin 10 Sep, 2024 34.53 Kb 207 21730 Preemie earthing.webp admin 10 Sep, 2024 31.97 Kb 203 21729 Preeterm earthing_CompressPdf.pdf admin 10 Sep, 2024 472.63 Kb 71 21728 Earthng muscle pain.webp admin 10 Sep, 2024 11.48 Kb 226 21727 Earthing sleep RCT.webp admin 10 Sep, 2024 19.26 Kb 231 21726 Earthing 2012_CompressPdf.pdf admin 10 Sep, 2024 105.78 Kb 47
- There have been