
Melasma (pregnancy mask) treated by Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, etc.

Melasma Associated with Periodontitis, Anemia, and Vitamin D Abnormalities: A Chance Occurrence or a Syndrome.

J Contemp Dent Pract. 2018 Oct 1;19(10):1254-1259. PMID: 30498182
Chaitanya NC1, Priyanka DR2, Madireddy N2, Priyanka JN2, Ramakrishna M3, Ajay M4, Ignatius AV2.

AIM: To correlate the possible association between melasma, periodontitis, vitamin D abnormalities, and anemia.

A total of 192 subjects, of either gender within the age group of 30 to 70 years were divided equally into two groups, group I (case group, patients with melasma) and group II (control group, patients without melasma). In all the subjects, anemia and periodontitis were checked clinically, along with biochemical evaluation of serum vitamin D levels and hemoglobin (Hb) percentage.

Student's t-test was performed with group statistics and chi-square for intervariable correlation was carried out. A significant correlation was found between patients having melasma and serum vitamin D levels with a p-value of 0.050. Between patients with melasma and periodontitis, there was a very significant correlation between the variables, with a p-value of 0.001. Conversely, the correlation between melasma and Hb percentage was found to be insignificant with the p-value 0.243, and all of the p-values remained at <0.05.The study thus demonstrated significant correlation between melasma, vitamin D abnormalities, and clinical periodontitis (p-value < 0.05), and no significant correlation between melasma and Hb.

CONCLUSION: The cross-sectional study revealed that patients with melasma may have abnormal serum vitamin D and clinical periodontitis. This presence may be considered a syndromic occurrence.

The present study was done to correlate and also evaluate periodontitis, vitamin D abnormalities, and anemia in patients with melasma. It is primarily an observational study, attempting to evaluate the co-occurrence of the above-mentioned variables. The findings may prompt us to further investigate melasma for the presence of periodontitis, anemia, and vitamin D abnormalities.

Prevalence of Serum-Vitamin D Abnormalities, Periodontitis and Anaemia in Patients With Melasma Clinical trial by Chaitanya

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