
US Vitamin D levels increased 2001-2018 – Oct 2022

Prevalence, trend, and predictor analyses of vitamin D deficiency in the US population, 2001-2018

Front Nutr. 2022 Oct 3;9:965376. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.965376
Aiyong Cui 1 , Peilun Xiao 2 , Yuzhuo Ma 1 , Zhiqiang Fan 3 , Fengjin Zhou 3 , Jiang Zheng 4 , Liang Zhang 4


Those with dark skins still have low levels of Vitamin D

Background: The National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) collect and release data to the public every 2 years. The latest NHANES study on the vitamin D status of Americans was based on data from 2001 to 2014, and the latest data (2015-2016 and 2017-2018) have not been studied yet. Thus, we extracted all the available data from NHANES (2001-2018), aiming to analyze the prevalence and trends of vitamin D deficiency (VDD) in the US population to bridge the research gap.

Methods: According to previous studies and nutritional guidelines for vitamin D, severe VDD was defined as serum 25(OH)D levels of <25 nmol/L, moderate deficiency as 25-50 nmol/L, insufficiency as 50-75 nmol/L, and sufficiency as >75 nmol/L. We comprehensively estimated the prevalence of serum 25(OH)D levels of <25, 25-50, 50-75, and >75 nmol/L in Americans and described trends in vitamin D status from 2001 to 2018. Weighted multivariate linear regression models were used to explore the predictors of VDD. All analyses and the data were adjusted for the complex sampling design of NHANES using Mobile Examination Center (MEC) weights.

Results: Based on the most recent data of 71,685 participants, our study showed that the weighted prevalence of severe and moderate VDD was 2.6% and 22.0%, and the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency (VDI) and sufficiency was 40.9% and 34.5%. The prevalence of severe and moderate VDD was higher in women, non-Hispanic black Americans, people aged 20-29 years, and during the season of winter. From 2001 to 2018, we found a slight linear decrease in the prevalence of moderate VDD (coefficient = -0.847; P = 0.009) and VDI (coefficient = -0.810; P = 0.014). We also found a slight linear increase in vitamin D sufficient (coefficient = 1.693; P = 0.004). However, no trend change was observed in severe VDD (coefficient = -0.037; P = 0.698). Age, sex, ethnicity, season, sun-protective behaviors, lower BMI, lower socioeconomic status (SES), drinking, and lower milk consumption were predictors of severe VDD.

Conclusion: Vitamin D deficiency is still prevalent in the United States, especially in non-Hispanic black Americans, women, individuals aged 20-29, and during winter. Therefore, individuals, healthcare providers, and policymakers should take public health measures to develop and implement prevention strategies to deal with VDD.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

VitaminDWiki - Increased use of D contains

People have been noticing, and increasing vitamin D (58 items)

Studies are showing increased Vitamin D consumption and associated
      Increased levels of vitamin D PLUS increased health

More people with more than 50 ng is.gd/50ngVitD

VitaminDWiki - Is 50 ng of vitamin D too high, just right, or not enough

VitaminDWiki - Overview Dark Skin and Vitamin D contains

FACT - - People with dark skins have more health problems and higher mortality rate than those with light skins
FACT - - People with dark skins have low levels of vitamin D
FACT - - People with light skins who have low vitamin D have health problems
OBSERVATION - - The health problems of whites with low level of vitamin D are similar to those with dark skins
CONCLUSION - - People with dark skins have more health problems due to low levels of vitamin D
African American Health Disparities are associated with low Vitamin D - Grant Feb 2021
Low Vitamin D increases health problems - independent of skin color

Dark Skin studies: Pregnancy (30 studies),  Genetics (13 studies),  Vitamin D Binding Protein (8 studies),  Vitamin D Receptor (7 studies),  Diabetes (25 studies),   Cardiovascular (18 studies),  Mortality (13 studies), Intervention (16 studies) Click here to see the studies

VitaminDWiki - Skin - Dark contains

471 items below see also Overview Dark Skin and Vitamin D,  Dark skin pregnancies and Vitamin D - many studies,  High Risk,   "Sickle Cell"

Dark Skin studies : Pregnancy (30 ),  Genetics (13 ),  Vitamin D Binding Protein (8 ),  Vitamin D Receptor (7 ),  Diabetes (25 ),   Cardiovascular (18 ),  Mortality (13 )

VitaminDWiki - Blacks die more often than whites of many diseases (they have less vitamin D) – 2012 contains

Cancer Facts & Figures for African Americans Cancer.org

  • “African Americans have the highest death rate and shortest survival of any racial and ethnic group in the US for most cancers”
  • Has a huge number of tables and charts, Note: Vitamin D is not mentioned

Leading Causes of Death as of March 2018

All Ages Death rateBlackWhiteRatio
Heart diseases 217 1711.27
Cancer 1991701.17
Cerebrovascular diseases51361.4
Diabetes 40 192.0

Rates per 100,000    Age adjusted   Non-Hispanic

VitaminDWiki - [tiki-index.php?page_id=10189|Vitamin D levels have been crashing

Drop in Vitamin D levels VDW#10189

    • Click on chart for details

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US Vitamin D levels increased 2001-2018 – Oct 2022        
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